Orthodox Churches

Metropolitan Tikhon to begin first official visit to Church of Poland

Metropolitan Tikhon to begin first official visit to Church of Poland
Metropolitan Tikhon to begin first official visit to Church of Poland
Metropolitan Tikhon to begin first official visit to Church of Poland
Metropolitan Tikhon to begin first official visit to Church of Poland

At the invitation of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Sawa of Warsaw and All Poland, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon will make an official visit the Orthodox Church of Poland August 17-22, 2018.  The occasion marks the first time Metropolitan Tikhon has visited the Polish Church since his election as Primate of the Orthodox Church in America in November 2012.

Representative of the Russian Orthodox Church spoke at the 19th All-American Council meeting

Representative of the Russian Orthodox Church spoke at the 19th All-American Council meeting
Representative of the Russian Orthodox Church spoke at the 19th All-American Council meeting
Representative of the Russian Orthodox Church spoke at the 19th All-American Council meeting
Representative of the Russian Orthodox Church spoke at the 19th All-American Council meeting

The 19th All-American Council of the Orthodox Church in America was held from July 23 6to 27, 2018, in St. Louis, Missouri. Its opening was preceded by a solemn thanksgiving presided over by His Beatitude Tikhon, Metropolitan of All America and Canada.

Hierarch of Ecumenical Patriarchate reposes in Constantinople

His Eminence Metropolitan Germanos (Athanasiadis) of Theodoroupolis of the Ecumenical Patriarchate reposed in the Lord on Friday at the age of 88, reports Sedmitza.

Known for his ascetic life, Met. Germanos, who reposed in the Phanar district of Constantinople, where the headquarters of the Ecumenical Patriarchate are located, was also the Exarch of the Rhodope Mountains and the confessor of the Archdiocese of Constantinople.

Supraśl Icon of Mother of God festively celebrated at Polish Monastery (+ VIDEO)

Supraśl Icon of Mother of God festively celebrated at Polish Monastery (+ VIDEO)
Supraśl Icon of Mother of God festively celebrated at Polish Monastery (+ VIDEO)
Supraśl Icon of Mother of God festively celebrated at Polish Monastery (+ VIDEO)
Supraśl Icon of Mother of God festively celebrated at Polish Monastery (+ VIDEO)

The Orthodox Church commemorates the wonderworking Supraśl Icon of the Mother of God annually on August 10. The day is a great feast for the faithful of the Polish Orthodox Church, who gather in the thousands at Supraśl Monastery in northeastern Poland.  

The celebration coincides, not accidentally, with that of the Smolensk Hodigitria Icon of the Mother of God, revealing the ancient connections between the Podlasie and Smolensk peoples.

Pilgrims began arriving at the monastery on the eve of the feast: on foot from Wasilków, Krynki, and Białystok, by canoe from Gródek, and by bus from Warsaw (organized by the Orthodox Ordynariat of the Polish Army). The pilgrims were not discouraged by the hardships of the hot weather and road work on the way to the feast, the monastery’s site joyfully reports.

The All-Night Vigil was celebrated by His Beatitude Metropolitan Sawa of Warsaw and All Poland and eight other hierarchs of the Polish Church. An akathist to the Mother of God and a panihikda for Archbishop Miron, the monastery’s former abbot, were celebrated following the Vigil.

The services went all through the night, with several Liturgies being served in the monastery’s various churches. The Liturgy in the main church was again presided over by Met. Sawa, assisted by numerous hierarchs and clergy. The homily was delivered by Archbishop Gregory of Belsk, vicar of The Warsaw Diocese, who spoke of the grace that many find at the holy monastery: “Brothers and sisters, here, in this revived holy monastery, there is a daily transformation of human nature. A lot of people come here to pour out their pain before the image of the Mother of God.”


The miraculous Suprasl Icon was commissioned in 1503 by the monastery’s founder, Metropolitan JozefSoltan, as a copy of the eleventh century Smolesnk Icon in the Hodigitria style. The icon became one of the most venerated throughout the region with many miracles attributed to it. When the monks fled to Russia in 1915 they took with them the miraculous icon which was lost and later found destroyed. The monastery’s current icon is a copy painted one hundred years ago for the 400th anniversary of the monastery and enjoys wide veneration by the faithful of Poland and beyond.

Source: Pravoslavie.ru

The History of the Icons Book Published

The History of the Icons is a story of emotion, inspiration and fascination. It is a story filled with love for faith, deep and difficult mysteries to be solved, frauds, quarrels, intrigues, and also peace. The History of the Icons will take us back to the time of the apostles and first Christians and bring us to the present day.

The Icons of the Orthodox Church are very precious items. Because of their importance, the Seventh Ecumenical Council officially supported the veneration of icons in the Orthodox Church. It is stated that the icons deserve the same respect and veneration as the Cross and the Holy Scripture. And, just like the Cross and Scripture are considered holy, so are the icons.

Some people show respect and veneration for the icons but do not understand them. They do not even know their purpose. This has led to incorrect use of the sacred icons. For example, in some Orthodox houses the icons hang on the walls simply as a decoration. Although their presence adds beauty to the house, the icons are made to fit in places like prayer corners where people pray to God. It is also advisable to light a candle or kandili (vigil lamp) in front of the icons. Icons and light remind us of the presence of God at home.

Divine Liturgy on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Savior

Divine Liturgy on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Savior
Divine Liturgy on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Savior
Divine Liturgy on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Savior
Divine Liturgy on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Savior

Today, on the feast of the Metamorphosis, or the Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ on Mount Tabor, a Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the church of the Transfiguration of our Savior located in Tabor Spiritual Center in Shkoza area in Tirana. The Liturgy was presided over by His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios who celebrated together with Bishop Asti of Bylis and other clergy of the capital city.