Orthodox Churches

Pastoral visit of The Patriarch of Jerusalem in Zdeinde

Pastoral visit of The Patriarch of Jerusalem in Zdeinde
Pastoral visit of The Patriarch of Jerusalem in Zdeinde
Pastoral visit of The Patriarch of Jerusalem in Zdeinde
Pastoral visit of The Patriarch of Jerusalem in Zdeinde

У суботу, 28. маја / 10. јуна 2017. године, Његово Блаженство Патријарх јерусалимски г. Теофил учинио је пастирску посету православној заједници арапског града Здеинде у северној Израелу, у крају Акре. Ова заједница има цркву Светог Патрика, Епископа Прусе. У овој цркви је Божанска Литургија одслужена на празник Оданија Педесетнице, а у част Светог Патрика, који се иначе прославља 19. маја.

Prokopis Pavlopoulos President of the Hellenic Republic at the Phanar

On Monday, May 22, 2017, His Excellency Prokopis Pavlopoulos, President of the Hellenic Republic, made an official visit to the Ecumenical Patriarchate, accompanied by His Excellency Terence Quick, Deputy Foreign Minister of Greece, Kyriakos Loukakis, Ambassador to Turkey, and Evangelos Sekeris, Consul General in Istanbul. The President was in Turkey for the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Summit.

Brilliant inauguration of the new reception hall of The Holy Church of The Annunciation in Alexandria

Brilliant inauguration of the new reception hall of The Holy Church of The Annunciation in Alexandria
Brilliant inauguration of the new reception hall of The Holy Church of The Annunciation in Alexandria
Brilliant inauguration of the new reception hall of The Holy Church of The Annunciation in Alexandria
Brilliant inauguration of the new reception hall of The Holy Church of The Annunciation in Alexandria

On Sunday 28th May 2017, commemoration of the 318 God-bearing Fathers of the 1st Ecumenical Council in Nicaea, His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa officiated at the beautiful Holy Church of the Annunciation of the Theotokos of the Hellenic Community in Alexandria.

Cathedral Slava in Pittsburgh

Cathedral Slava in Pittsburgh
Cathedral Slava in Pittsburgh
Cathedral Slava in Pittsburgh
Cathedral Slava in Pittsburgh

On Sunday, June 4th, Holy Trinity Cathedral of Pittsburgh welcomed His Grace Bishop Irinej to help celebrate its patronal feast day of Pentecost.  

Following the procession around the outside of the church, the Slavski kolach and koljivo were blessed.  Kumovi were Ray and Shirley Popovich. Following Divine Liturgy, a luncheon followed at Salvatore’s Events and Catering where this year’s five high school graduates and two college graduates were honored. 

Свеправославна Литургија у цркви Светог Саве у Лондону

Свеправославна Литургија у цркви Светог Саве у Лондону
Свеправославна Литургија у цркви Светог Саве у Лондону
Свеправославна Литургија у цркви Светог Саве у Лондону
Свеправославна Литургија у цркви Светог Саве у Лондону

On Pentecost Monday, the Pan-orthodox Liturgy was celebrated at St Sava’s Church in London.

The Eucharistic assembly was led by his Eminence Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira and Great Britain of the Patriarchate of Constantinople and concelebrating with him were: Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh, Russian Orthodox Church, Bishop Dositey of Great Britain and Scandinavia, Serbian Orthodox Church, Archbishop of Dmanisi, Agarak-Tashiri, and Great Britain and Ireland: Zenon (Iaradzhuli), Auxiliary Bishop Ignatius (Muresan), Romanian Church, The Right Reverend Athanasios (Theocharous), Bishop of Tropaeou   The Most Reverend Kallistos (Ware), Metropolitan of Diokleia, a Professor at Oxford University, was also present at this great event of the pan-orthodox union.

A new editor of Orthodoxy and Theological Views

Protodeacon Dr. Damjan Bozic – a new editor of the Serbian Patriarchate newspaper “Pravоslavlje” (Orthodoxy ) and of the theological periodical “Teoloski pogledi” (Theological Views)

Protodeacon dr Damjan S. Bozic: Born in Pech, Kosovo and Metohia (1978). Elementary as well as music school finished in Belgrade (1993). Seminary school in Prizren graduated in 1998. Theological faculty as well as master and doctoral studies finished in USA (1999-2011). Ordained deacon by Metropolitan Christopher (2003). From 2003 until 2012 he served at the Chicago Cathedral, worked at the office of  Metropolitanate and School of Theology in Libertyville. In 2011 he was elevated to the rank of protodeacon.