Orthodox Churches

The feast of The Samaritan woman Sunday at the Patriarchate of Jerusalem

The feast of The Samaritan woman Sunday at the Patriarchate of Jerusalem
The feast of The Samaritan woman Sunday at the Patriarchate of Jerusalem
The feast of The Samaritan woman Sunday at the Patriarchate of Jerusalem
The feast of The Samaritan woman Sunday at the Patriarchate of Jerusalem

On Sunday, 1st/14th May 2017, the Samaritan  woman Sunday, according to the book of Pentecostarion, the Jerusalem Patriarchate celebrated the memory of the meeting of the Samaritan woman with the Lord, at the town of Sychar in the Samaria district, at the place of that meeting, Jacob’s well, and her conversation with the Lord, with the revelation that was made to her that He is the Christ, and the water He would give her is the water that brings eternal life, and whoever drinks it will never thirst in the ages to come, according to the vivid narrative of the Evangelist John (John 4:4-42).

The Trisagion prayer for the repose of the soul of Metropolitan Elia (Saliba)

The Trisagion prayer for the repose of the soul of Metropolitan Elia (Saliba)
The Trisagion prayer for the repose of the soul of Metropolitan Elia (Saliba)
The Trisagion prayer for the repose of the soul of Metropolitan Elia (Saliba)
The Trisagion prayer for the repose of the soul of Metropolitan Elia (Saliba)

His Beatitude John X the Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch performed the Trisagion prayer for the repose of the soul of Metropolitan Elia (Saliba), at the end of the Divine Liturgy, at Balamand.

Moving moments in Alexandria at the forty day memorial of the Patriarch`s mother

Moving moments in Alexandria at the forty day memorial of the Patriarch`s mother
Moving moments in Alexandria at the forty day memorial of the Patriarch`s mother
Moving moments in Alexandria at the forty day memorial of the Patriarch`s mother
Moving moments in Alexandria at the forty day memorial of the Patriarch`s mother

n an atmosphere of intense emotion and in the presence of hundreds of faithful from Alexandria, Cairo and many other areas in Egypt, the forty day memorial service for the late Cleopatra Horeftaki, Mother of Hs Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, took place on Sunday 14th May 2017 in the Holy Patriarchal Monastery of St Savvas the Sanctified in Alexandria, Egypt.

Entronement ceremony of Bishop of Arousa and Central Tanzania

Entronement ceremony of Bishop of Arousa and Central Tanzania
Entronement ceremony of Bishop of Arousa and Central Tanzania
Entronement ceremony of Bishop of Arousa and Central Tanzania
Entronement ceremony of Bishop of Arousa and Central Tanzania

On Saturday 29th April, the eve of the Enthronement of His Grace Agathonikos Bishop of Arusha and Central Tanzania, with the blessing of His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa and in the presence of His Eminence Dimitrios Metropolitan of Irinopolis, Caretaker of the Diocese, a group of visitors from the Holy Metropolis of Kitros and Katerini, comprising the Very Reverend Archimandrite Maximos Kyritsis, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of St Dionysios in Olympus, the Very Reverend Archimandrite Barnabas Leontiadis, Chancellor of the Holy Metropolis of Kitros, the Reverend Protopresbyter Fr. Angelos Giannikis and the Archdeacon Fr. Panteleimon Tsarapatsanis as well as Monk Marcellus from the Holy Monastery of St Anthony in Arizona, America, in the Missionary Centre of Kidamal in the Iriga district, group baptism took place in the outdoor baptistery of the Holy Church of St Andronikos and Athanasia.

Moscow to greet relics of St. Nicholas today with ringing of church bells throughout city

Moscow to greet relics of St. Nicholas today with ringing of church bells throughout city
Moscow to greet relics of St. Nicholas today with ringing of church bells throughout city
Moscow to greet relics of St. Nicholas today with ringing of church bells throughout city
Moscow to greet relics of St. Nicholas today with ringing of church bells throughout city

A piece of the relics of the great St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are to arrive in Russia today from the St. Nichoals Catholic Cathedral in Bari, Italy, where his relics have been kept since 1087.

The relic will be ceremoniously greeted in Moscow by the ringing of the bells in the city's more than 600 churches, reports RIA-Novosti. This is a unique event, as previously reported, in that for the 930 years that his relics have been kept at the Catholic basilica in Bari, Italy, they have never left the city. Every year, hundreds of Russian pilgrims and Orthodox believers from around the world travel to Bari to venerate the honorable relics of the great bishop and wonderworking saint. Thanks to the upcoming visitation of his relics, even more faithful will have the opportunity to venerate them.

The bells of the National Cathedral have arrived in Romania

The bells of the National Cathedral have arrived this morning in Romania, being brought from the Grassmayr Bell Foundry in Innsbruck, Austria. On every one of the six bells are engraved the coat of arms of the Romanian Patriarchate, the countenance of the Romanian Patriarch, the Patriarchal Cross, and the following inscription: Blessing of Patriarch Daniel of Romania for the National Cathedral – Centenary 1918-2018. The bells will be installed during this year. The first of the six bells of the Romanian People’s Salvation Cathedral was cast on 11 November 2016 and the other five were molded on 21 april 2017. The bells cast in Innsbruck, Austria, have a 15-year warranty and a lifetime of over 400 years.