Orthodox Churches

His Beatitude John X presides over the Divine Liturgy of Pentecost

His Beatitude John X presides over the Divine Liturgy of Pentecost
His Beatitude John X presides over the Divine Liturgy of Pentecost
His Beatitude John X presides over the Divine Liturgy of Pentecost
His Beatitude John X presides over the Divine Liturgy of Pentecost

His Beatitude John X the Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and all the east has assured that the Church of Antioch in which the disciples were first called, christians, is the church of the children of peace and non- violence. It is the church of staying in homeland despite all difficulties and calamities.

Chinese-language Orthodox catechism published in Hong Kong

Orthodox Christians in China have the opportunity to grow omto a deeper understanding of their faith with the new Chinese-language translation of Archpriest Oleg Davidenkov’s catechism, which has been published in Hong Kong. The translation, made by Fr. Anatoly Kung of the Sts. Peter and Paul Church, has been issued by the China Orthodox Press, reports Pravoslavie.fm. The issuing of this new catechism is an important event in the life of the Chinese mission. The book will be interesting for Chinese readers desiring to systematize their understanding of Orthodoxy, and those students studying in Orthodox theological schools.



On Pentecost Sunday 22nd May/4th June 2017, the Patriarchate celebrated the remembrance of the inspiration by the Holy Spirit at the Most Holy Church of the Resurrection.

The Patriarch of Romania offers up prayers for children and young people everywhere

On the International Children’s Day, 1 June 2017, His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of Romania, sends up prayers for the children and young people everywhere, but especially for those in Romania. We quote the personal prayer of the Romanian Patriarch on this occasion: -O, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Heavenly Father, Who have blessed the children and said: Let the children come to Me and do not hinder them, You Who looked with love at the young man asking You: Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?, You Who raised from the dead the son of the widow of Nain, Jairus’ daughter and Your friend, Lazarus, bless with Your grace and love all the children and young people in the world! Protect all the children baptised in Your name, who make the sign of Your Cross. Guide the youth and illumine by Your holy light the life of young people in our Church. Increase the love of children for their parents and the love of parents for their children. Enhance the diligence of children and young people for education and their respect and gratitude for their educators, teachers and professors.

The Patriarch of Jerusalem awards the dean priest Nikolai Balasof

The Patriarch of Jerusalem awards the dean priest Nikolai Balasof
The Patriarch of Jerusalem awards the dean priest Nikolai Balasof
The Patriarch of Jerusalem awards the dean priest Nikolai Balasof
The Patriarch of Jerusalem awards the dean priest Nikolai Balasof

On Friday, 27th May/ 9th June 2017, His Beatitude our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos received at the Patriarchate Fr. Nikolai Balasof, Dean Priest of the Moscow Patriarchate and associate of His Beatitude the Patriarch of Moscow Cyril.

Met. Hilarion: The Church has never belittled the role of women

Talk of discrimination against women in the Church is unfounded, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) of the Department for External Church Relations stated on Thursday at a meeting of the diplomatic club of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Interfax-Religion reports. “Sometimes in regards to the Orthodox Church, especially from a liberal Protestant perspective, accusations are voiced that we do not value women highly enough, that we preserve a patriarchal order, in that all of our priests and bishops are men, the patriarch is a man, while in some Protestant confessions this has all changed,” Met. Hilarion noted.

Meanwhile, according to the metropolitan, as in nature so in the Church there exists fatherhood and motherhood, and accordingly there are ministries “which are reserved for men, and those which are reserved only for women, and those which can be done by either.”