Orthodox Churches

Meeting devoted to Patriarch Iliya II of Georgia at St Tikhon’s Orthodox University

On November 24, 2015, the presentation of the book ‘A Servant of God’ devoted to the life and work of His Holiness Iliya II, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, took place at the St. Tikhon Orthodox University of the Humanities (STOUH). It was a follow-up of the presentation of this book which took place on October 16 in Tbilisi.

The Russian Church is the most rapidly growing organization in Russia

The Moscow Patriarchate develops much more rapidly if compared to other religious organizations in Russia, renowned religious expert Roman Silantyev said.

“Every year our Church becomes more powerful and plays more important role in our society. Today the Russian Orthodox Church is the most rapidly growing religious organization in Russia: for the last ten years the number of its legal entities has grown for 25%,” Silantyev said in his interview with the Russkaya Planetawebsite.

Tenth Anniversary of the Enthronement of His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem

On Sunday, the 9th/22nd of November 2015, the feast day of St. Nektarios the wonder-worker and Archbishop of Pentapolis, the Patriarchate celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Enthronement of His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem.

On the occasion of this fortunate event a Doxology was celebrated at the katholikon of the All-holy Church of the Resurrection, led by His Beatitude. Co-officiating were Hagiotaphite Primates and Hieromonks, members of the Arabic-speaking flock, and pilgrims, in the presence of Mr Georgios Zacharoudiakis, the Greek Consul-General to Jerusalem.

At the conclusion of the Doxology, the concelebrants returned to the Patriarchate where His Eminence Aristarchos, Archbishop of Constantina, addressed the Patriarch on behalf of the Holy and Sacred Synod.

Belarusian Orthodox Christian Journalists to Present a New Pro-Life Movie

Belarusian journalists finished the work on a new pro-life movie called “Athos – pro-life! The legacy of Saint Paisios of Mount Athos”. The first copy of a movie created by Artem Mahakeev and Matvey Rodov was given as a present to a First Lady of Serbia during her visiting of a cathedral church in Minsk.

The Synodal Cathedral of Our Lady “of the Sign” Marked the 175 th Anniversary of the Birth of Peter Tchaikovsky and the 95th Anniversary of the Exodus of the White Army

On Sunday, November 15, 2015, His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan, Deputy Secretay of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, officiated at Divine Liturgy at the Synodal Cathedal of Our Lady “of the Sign” along with the cathedral’s Senior Priest, Protopriest Andrei Sommer; Protopriest Vasily Raskovsky; Hieromonk Evtikhy (Dovganiuk); Protodeacon Nicolas Mokhoff; Deacon Denis Lvov and Deacon Nazary Fataliev. A choir of 40 sang Peter Tchaikovsky’s Liturgy of St John Chrysostom under the direction of Peter Fekula.

Press release from the first day of deliberations of The Holy Synod of The Patriarchate Of Alexandria

Press release from the first day of deliberations of The Holy Synod of The Patriarchate Of Alexandria
Press release from the first day of deliberations of The Holy Synod of The Patriarchate Of Alexandria
Press release from the first day of deliberations of The Holy Synod of The Patriarchate Of Alexandria
Press release from the first day of deliberations of The Holy Synod of The Patriarchate Of Alexandria

The Holy Synod of the patriarchate of Alexandria convened today, 24th November 2015, under the Presidency of His Beatitude Theodoros II Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria in the Session Hall of the Holy Synod.