Orthodox Churches

Victims of Paris terrorist attacks are commemorated in Orthodox churches in France

Memorial services for the victims of terrorist attacks in Paris were conducted in Orthodox churches in France the next morning after the perpetration.

Orthodox Christians throughout the country share the grief of the French people. We conducted a memorial service for the victims in the morning; another service will be conducted tomorrow. We prayed for the Russians who died in the horrible   Sinai plane crash, too, – Very Revd. Andrei Yeliseyev, rector of the St. Nicholas Cathedral in Nice, told the ‘Izvestia’ newspaper correspondent on November 14.

Russian soldiers of World War I are commemorated in Belgrade

Russian soldiers of World War I are commemorated in Belgrade
Russian soldiers of World War I are commemorated in Belgrade
Russian soldiers of World War I are commemorated in Belgrade
Russian soldiers of World War I are commemorated in Belgrade

On 11 November 2015, wreaths were laid at the Russian Glory Memorial at the Russian Necropolis in Belgrade. Attending the ceremony dedicated to the 97th anniversary of the Armistice Day in World War I were representatives of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Serbian Army, the Belgrade Mayor’s Office, Embassies of the Russian Federation, the United States of America, France, Australia and Belarus.

The Archdiocese of Sibiu has inaugurated a Centre for Neuro-motor Rehabilitation

The Archdiocese of Sibiu has recently founded a modern Centre for Neuro-motor Rehabilitation and Psychological Counselling. The institution provides free services for the persons with limited financial possibilities. The Centre dedicated to St Nektarios of Aegina was inaugurated by His Eminence Laurenţiu, Metropolitan of Transylvania, on Monday, 09 November 2015.

The Metropolitan of Banat inaugurated a social canteen in Iosefin district of Timișoara

The blessing and the inauguration of the social canteen for the faithful with low material possibilities, for eldery persons, for the ill and solitary were performed on Saturday, 14 November 2015, in the presence of His Eminence Metropolitan Ioan of Banat at the Romanian Orthodox Parish “Iosefin” in Timişoara, as the official web site of Metropolis of Banat informs.

Patriarch Inaugurates New Orthodox Church in Alanya

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Sunday inaugurated a new church and Orthodox cultural center in Alanya, a district of popular vacation resort Antalya. The church comes at a time as more Russian and Ukrainian tourists flock to the seaside town both as tourists and residents. Bartholomew presided over a mass at the opening of the church.

Metropolitan of Thera visits the Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Metropolitan of Thera visits the Patriarchate of Jerusalem
Metropolitan of Thera visits the Patriarchate of Jerusalem
Metropolitan of Thera visits the Patriarchate of Jerusalem
Metropolitan of Thera visits the Patriarchate of Jerusalem

On Thursday the 30th of October/12th of November 2015, a group of 30 Greek pilgrims from the island of Thera and Ioannina, led by the Most Reverend Epiphanios, Metropolitan of Thera, Amorgos and Islands, visited the Patriarchate. They were accompanied by Archimandrite Christoforos Karamolengos.