Orthodox Churches

The Missionary steps of the Patriarch of Alexandria in the African savanah of Northern Uganda

The Missionary steps of the Patriarch of Alexandria in the African savanah of Northern Uganda
The Missionary steps of the Patriarch of Alexandria in the African savanah of Northern Uganda
The Missionary steps of the Patriarch of Alexandria in the African savanah of Northern Uganda
The Missionary steps of the Patriarch of Alexandria in the African savanah of Northern Uganda

On 3rd November 2015, His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, accompanied by His Eminence Jonas Metropolitan of Kampala, His Eminence Ieronymos Metropolitan of Mwanza, His Eminence Narkissos Metropolitan of Noubea and His Grace Innocent Bishop of Burundi and Rwanda, traveled by road following a long journey to the district of Gulu in Northern Uganda, next to the border with South Sudan.

Bulgarian President Confers Highest State Honor on Patriarch of Bulgarian Orthodox Church

Bulgarian head of state President Rossen Plevneliev conferred the country’s highest honor, the Stara Planina first degree, on Neofit, Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and Sofia Metropolitan, at a ceremony on November 5, 2015.

Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church visits Mt. Athos

  On 4 November 2015, the feast day of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All Ukraine arrived in the Russian monastery of St. Panteleimon on the Holy Mountain of Athos.

Head of the State and Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church open ‘Orthodox Russia’ exhibition in Moscow

Head of the State and Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church open ‘Orthodox Russia’ exhibition in Moscow
Head of the State and Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church open ‘Orthodox Russia’ exhibition in Moscow
Head of the State and Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church open ‘Orthodox Russia’ exhibition in Moscow
Head of the State and Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church open ‘Orthodox Russia’ exhibition in Moscow

On 4 November 2015, the feast day of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God and the Day of National Unity, President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation and His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia led the opening of the 14th Public Forum and Exhibition this year called ‘Orthodox Russia. My History. From Great Upheavals to the Great Victory’ organized by the Patriarchal Council for Culture with support of the Moscow City Government.

Exhibition: Moscow - The Holy Land of the Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Elisabeth Fedorovna

The exhibition Moscow - The Holy Land of the Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna opened on November 2, 2015 at the State Historical Museum in Moscow.

The exhibition is a joint project of the Elisabeth Sergius Educational Society, State Historical Museum and State Museum and Exhibition Center ROSIZO supported by the Russian Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

Condolatory Message of the Serbian Patriarch Irinej

To His Beatitude
Patriarch of Romania
Kyr Daniel


Your Beatitude,

Beloved brother and concelebrant before the Throne of the Lord!

On behalf of the pleroma of the Serbian Orthodox Church, and on Our own behalf, We ask You to accept the expressions of Our brotherly and prayerful condolences on the occasion of the accident with fire in Bucharest on 31 October 2015, in which 27 young people lost their lives.

We pray to the Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ to grant the rest to the souls of the newly departed young persons in this accident, and to their parents and their relatives may He grant consolation in their pain.

Your Beatitude’s in the Risen Lord Christ brother and concelebrant,


Serbian Patriarch IRINEJ