Orthodox Churches

100th birthday of Schema-Archimandrite Jeremiah of St. Panteleimon Monastery is Celebrated on Mt. Athos

  The All-Night Vigil and Divine Liturgy were celebrated on October 21 and 22 at the Church of the Intercession at the Russian Monastery of St. Panteleimon on Mount Athos by Metropolitan Yevlogy of Vladimir and Suzdal, Metropolitan Sergy of Ternopol and Kremenets, Metropolitan Kirill of Stavropol and Nevinnomyssk and Bishop Nil of Murom and Vyazniki.

100th birthday of Schema-Archimandrite Jeremiah of St. Panteleimon Monastery is Celebrated on Mt. Athos

  Са благословом Његове Светости Католикос-Патријарха грузијског Илије II у Тбилисију је одржана Пета међународна богословска конференција. Ове године научници, истраживачи и црквени великодостојници из Србије, Грчке, Русије, Велике Британије и Аустралије учествовали су у конференцији која је посвећена животу и активностима Св. Максима Исповедника (око 580. – око 620.; празник: 13/26. августа).

The International Theological Congress “The Relation between Parish and School in the Life and Mission of the Church in the contemporary context”

The works of the International Theological Congress „The Relation between Parish and School in the Life and Mission of the Church in the contemporary context” have begun today, 19 October 2015, in Bucharest.

The Way of the Saints Procession in Romania – 2015

The Way of the Saints Procession in Romania – 2015
The Way of the Saints Procession in Romania – 2015
The Way of the Saints Procession in Romania – 2015
The Way of the Saints Procession in Romania – 2015

With the blessing of His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, the Way of the Saints yearly Procession was carried out on Friday, 23 October 2015, on the Hill of Joy (the Hill of the Romanian Patriarchate). This year, the reliquary containing the relics of the Three Holy Hierarchs form St Paul Monastery of Holy Mount Athos was accompanied in the traditional procession by the relics of St Pious Demetrius the New and of the Holy Emperors Constantine and Helen. In this event participated hundreds of priests: clergy of the six deaneries in the capital city of Romania, clergy of the deaneries of Northern and Southern Ilfov County, charity and military clergy, as well as numerous faithful.

Cyprus Monastery Renovation Unites Communities

Work to restore a monastery on the divided island of Cyprus has brought Turkish Cypriots together with Greek Cypriots, and Muslims with Christians.

Lore stretching back to the dawn of Christianity says this monastery sits directly over a fresh-water spring created by one of Jesus' first disciples, St. Andrew, while he was waiting for winds to pick up so he could continue his ship-borne travels.

Students of teology form Belgrade visit Jerusalim

On Monday, the 29th of September/12th of October 2015, seventeen senior students of the Saint Sava Orthodox Christian Seminary of the Patriarchate of Serbia visited the Patriarchate. They were accompanied by their teacher, Mr Radomir Vrucinic and father Budimir Kojic, as well as by a group of pilgrims from Russia.