Orthodox Churches

Polish Orthodoxy—the Feast of the Suprasl Icon of the Mother of God

Polish Orthodoxy—the Feast of the Suprasl Icon of the Mother of God
Polish Orthodoxy—the Feast of the Suprasl Icon of the Mother of God
Polish Orthodoxy—the Feast of the Suprasl Icon of the Mother of God
Polish Orthodoxy—the Feast of the Suprasl Icon of the Mother of God

On July 27-28/August 9-10 hundreds of pilgrims attended the feast of the Suprasl Icon of the Mother of God at the Suprasl Monastery in Gródek, Poland. Founded in 1498 by bishop of Smolensk Jozef Sołtan (later metropolitan of Kiev), the monastery became the largest spiritual center in the Great Principality of Lithuania in the sixteenth century, with the majority of the monks coming from the great monasteries of Kiev.

Mtskheta among the 20 most beautiful heritage sites of UNESCO

According to the online website Condé Nast Traveler the historical monuments of Mtskheta are among the 20 most beautiful UNESCO world heritage sites.“

The former capital of Georgia referred to as the spiritual heart of the country, has three picturesque, cliff top medieval churches. Sadly, lack of preservation and unaddressed deterioration of the architecture and artwork have landed this site on UNESCO’s “at-risk” list.” said Lianna Trubowitz the contributor to Conde Nast Traveler.

Patriarch Irinej of Serbia will receive Doctorate Honoris Causa at St. Vladimir's

On Friday, September 11, 2015, the Board of Trustees and Faculty of St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary will bestow a Doctor of Divinity degree, honoris causa, upon His Holiness Irinej (Gavrilovic), archbishop of Peć, metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci, and patriarch of Serbia. Patriarch Irinej will also deliver a presentation titled "Theology as a Hope for the Future of the Church."

The patriarch will arrive on the seminary campus, briefly visit Three Hierarchs Chapel, and then proceed to the Academic Convocation. The public ceremony will be held at 6 p.m. in the Metropolitan Philip Auditorium of the John G. Rangos Family Building, and will include a Q & A session between the patriarch and attendees. An open reception will follow.

His Holiness Irinej, the 45th Patriarch of Serbia, was enthroned in his position on January 2010. His Holiness was ordained as a Hieromonk in 1959, and was both a professor and rector of Prizren Seminary. He also served as Bishop of Moravica and Nis prior to his election as patriarch.

Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria arriving to Russia

His Beatitude Theodore II, Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, will be on private pilgrimage to the Russian Orthodox Church from August 19 to 20, 2015.His Beatitude will visit the Solovki Monastery of the Transfiguration, and the dioceses of Irkutsk and Yekaterinburg.

It is expected that during his visit His Beatitude will meet with His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.

DECR staff member takes part in meeting of Old Believers from all over the world

 On 3-9 August 2015, the 9th World Congress of the International Council for Central and Eastern European Studies took place at the Kanda University of International Studies in the city of Makuhari, Japan.

Foundations of Orthodoxy included in 5th-Grade Curriculum in 30 Moscow Schools

After a year of studying the Foundations of Orthodox Culture in the fourth grade, fifth graders of thirty Moscow schools will continue to explore the subject within the framework of a pilot project in the new school year, reported Hieromonk Onisim, the chairman of the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Moscow Diocese, in an interview with RIA Novosti on August 6.

Foundations of Orthodox Culture is included in the fourth grade school curriculum. Following an analysis of this year’s pilot program a decision will be made about the advisability of further expansion of the course.