Orthodox Churches

Memory of Saint Sabbas the Sanctified

The Church commemorates today one of the greatest figures of Orthodox monasticism: Saint Sabbas the Sanctified, and Martyr Diogenes.

Saint Sabbas was born in 439 AD to pious and wealthy parents. He came from the village of Mutalaska near Caesarea of Cappadocia and was the son of devout parents, John and Sophia. His father was a military commander and had to travel to Alexandria with his wife, entrusting the upbringing of Saint Sabbas to his uncle Hermias.

Mass Baptism: 60+ souls united to Christ in Uganda

Mass Baptism: 60+ souls united to Christ in Uganda
Mass Baptism: 60+ souls united to Christ in Uganda
Mass Baptism: 60+ souls united to Christ in Uganda
Mass Baptism: 60+ souls united to Christ in Uganda

Following on the heels of 75 catechumens being baptized in the Diocese of Gulu and Eastern Uganda in October, more than 60 were joyfully united to Christ yesterday in the Mystery of Baptism.

Romanian pro-life organization engaging 10,000 students to collect food for large families

The Romanian pro-life organization Pro Vita Iași is running a large-scale food drive for two weeks this month to benefit large families this winter season.

:Photo: basilica.ro The program, “Joy in the Family-Pizza for Good Deeds” runs from December 2 to 17 and aims to mobilize 10,000 students from 55 educational institutions in Moldova to collect more than 20 tons of non-perishable food for families with 7 or more children in Iași, Botoșani, and Neamț.

Memory of Saint John of Damascus

Our Church celebrates today the memory of St. John of Damascus, also known as Ioannis Damascene, and Venerable Cassian the Martyr.

John the Damascus, the great Father and Teacher of the Church, is the eminent theologian and poet of the 8th century AD.

Metropolitan Amfilohije received by Archbishop Anastasius of Albania

Metropolitan of Montenegro Amfilohije visited His Beatitude Anastasius, Archbishop of Tirana and all Albania, in the old Archdiocese residence in Tirana on December 2, 2019.

Moscow clergy donate ophthalmological tomograph to Church hospital in honor of Patriarch’s birthday

The Russian Orthodox Church’s St. Alexei Hospital recently received a new ophthalmological tomorgraphy scanner to be used in its new surgical ophthalmology center.

The top-of-the-line medical equipment was purchased with funds raised by Moscow clergy in lieu of flowers for His Holiness Patriarch Kirill’s birthday, the Synodal Department for Relations of the Church With Society and the Media reported on Monday, according to RIA-Novosti.