Orthodox Churches

St. Demetrius the New, patron of Bucharest, celebrated with 4 Local Churches, 1,000s of pilgrims

St. Demetrius the New, patron of Bucharest, celebrated with 4 Local Churches, 1,000s of pilgrims
St. Demetrius the New, patron of Bucharest, celebrated with 4 Local Churches, 1,000s of pilgrims
St. Demetrius the New, patron of Bucharest, celebrated with 4 Local Churches, 1,000s of pilgrims
St. Demetrius the New, patron of Bucharest, celebrated with 4 Local Churches, 1,000s of pilgrims

Thousands of pious Orthodox Christians from Romania and abroad traveled to Bucharest over the weekend to celebrate the feast of St. Demetrius the New, the patron saint and protector of Bucharest and one of the most beloved saints in Romania.

Meeting of Archbishop Elpidoforos and Metropolitan Hilarion

A very important meeting was held in New York on Wednesday. In particular, Metropolitan Joseph of the Antiochian Archdiocese invited Archbishop Elpidoforos of America and Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk to a meeting yesterday.

The meeting took place on neutral ground, the Metropolis of Antioch. According to the announcement, during the luncheon, they would discuss several issues. The three Hierarchs also held a private meeting together later on.

Patriarch of Jerusalem celebrates Divine Liturgy in Samaria

Patriarch of Jerusalem celebrates Divine Liturgy in Samaria
Patriarch of Jerusalem celebrates Divine Liturgy in Samaria
Patriarch of Jerusalem celebrates Divine Liturgy in Samaria
Patriarch of Jerusalem celebrates Divine Liturgy in Samaria

On Sunday, October 7/20, 2019, His Beatitude our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos led the Divine Liturgy at the old Church of St. Moses the Ethiopian, at the Community of Rafidia in Nablus of Samaria, not far from Jacob’s well, where the Lord spoke with the Samaritan woman.

The Ecumenical Patriarch announced the canonization of four Athonite elders

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew has announced from Karyes in Mount Athos that four Athonite elders will be canonized. Patriarch Bartholomew said that Fathers Daniel of Katounakia, Ieronymos of Simonopetra, Joseph the Hesychast, and Ephraim of Katounakia are going to be canonized.

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew addressed the annual conference of “Forum 2000” Foundation

His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew visited Prague on 15 October 2019, where he addressed the 23rd annual conference of “Forum 2000” Foundation under the title “Recovering the Promise of 1989”.

Court dismisses Ukrainian official who illegally transferred canonical parishes to schismatics

A public official in the Vinnitsa Province of Ukraine has been suspended from his duties over accusations of illegally re-registering parishes of the canonical Ukrainian to the Constantinople-created and schismatic “Orthodox Church of Ukraine” (OCU).