Orthodox Churches

Statement of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church

On 17th October 2019, during a session of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, a statement was adopted concerning the situation that arose in the Greek Orthodox Church after it convened on 12th October 2019 the extraordinary Council of Hierarchs on the Ukrainian church issue (Minutes No. 125).

Members of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church have acquainted themselves with the published in the mass media documents of the extraordinary Council of Hierarchs of the Greek Orthodox Church held on 12th October 2019, in particular, with the communiqué of the Council and the report of His Beatitude Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece entitled “Autocephaly of the Church of Ukraine” containing a suggestion “to recognize… the autocephaly of the Orthodox Church of the independent Republic of Ukraine.”

Constantinople’s Finnish Church invites Patriarch Kirill to visit in May

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia will visit Finland next year in May, marking the first time a Russian Patriarch has visited the neighboring country since 1994, when His Holiness Patriarch Alexei II headed the Church.

The Patriarch will visit at the joint invitation of the Finnish Orthodox Church, the Catholic church in Finland, and the Evangelical Lutheran church in Finland, which was presented to him during the visit of the heads of the Finnish churches in Moscow in 2015, reports the press service of the Finnish Orthodox Church.

Tens of pilgrims travel across Romania to attend celebrations of St John Chrysostom in Bucharest

For the sixth year in a row, tens of pilgrims travel across Romania from the northern parts of Maramures and Satu Mare to attend the celebrations of Saint John Chrysostom at the Chapel of the National Cathedral in Bucharest.

Children and adults dressed in colourful folk costumes attended the all-night vigil and the Divine Liturgy honouring St John Chrysostom next to the new Orthodox Cathedral in Bucharest where a particle of the Saint’s relics is kept.

Celebration of name day of Archbishop Chrysostomos II of Cyprus

On the feast day of Saint IoannisChrysostomos, Archbishop Chrysostomos of Cyprus, who was celebrating his name day yesterday, presided over the Archieratic Co-liturgy at the Cathedral of Saint Ioannis the Theologian in old Nicosia.

Metropolitan Georgios of Pafos and Timotheos of Bozra, and Bishops of Christoforos of Karpasia, Leontios of Kytros, Porfyrios of Neapolis, and Grigorios of Mesaoria celebrated the Divine Liturgy with the celebrant Archbishop.

Видео из 1994. о освећењу Саборне цркве Светог Нектарија на Егини на интернету

An hour-long video of the 1994 consecration of St. Nektarios Cathedral at Holy Trinity Monastery on the island of Aegina has been published by the Orthodoxia News Agency.

St. Nektarios built the Holy Trinity Convent in 1904. In 1908, he resigned from his post as director of the Rizarios Ecclesiastical School in Athens and retired to the monastery, where he lived until his repose in 1920.

Thousands gather at Lavra to celebrate St. Job of Pochaev

Thousands gather at Lavra to celebrate St. Job of Pochaev
Thousands gather at Lavra to celebrate St. Job of Pochaev
Thousands gather at Lavra to celebrate St. Job of Pochaev
Thousands gather at Lavra to celebrate St. Job of Pochaev

The holy Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of the great St. Job, the abbot and wonderworker of Poachev, on October 28/November 10, and thousands of faithful Ukrainian Orthodox pilgrims join in the celebration every year at the Holy Dormition-Pochaev Lavra.