Serbian Orthodox Church
Feast of Saint Elijah celebrated in Trnava
9. August 2017 - 13:20On Wednesday, 2 August 2017, His Grace Bishop Jovan of Sumadia served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in Trnava, at the church devoted to Holy Prophet Elijah. The Bishop was concelebrated by local priests. After the service, there was a procession around the church and blessing of the slava cake.
Patronal feast of the church in Glogovica
9. August 2017 - 13:16On Tuesday, 8 August 2018, on the feast day of the Ascension of St. Anna - mother of the Most Holy Mother of God, the Patronal feast of the church in Glogovica near Zajecar. His Grace Bishop Ilarion of Timok celebrated the Holy Liturgy with the concelebration of clergy of Zajecar and Negotin Deanery.
Patronal Feast of Devina Voda monastery near Zvecan
9. August 2017 - 13:09At Devina Voda monastery a feast day of the Icon of the Mother of God the Three-Handed, the monastery Patronal feast, was solemnly celebrated. HIs Grace Bishop Teodosije of Raska-Prizren served the Holy Liturgy with the concelebration of the clergy and the monks of the Diocese of Raska-Prizren. Following the Holy Liturgy there was the feast's procession and blessing of the slava cake at the courtyard in front of the church.
Patronal feast of Saint Petka church on Cukarica
9. August 2017 - 13:04On the feast of Saint Petka the Roman, with the blessing of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, His Grace Bishop Antonije of Moravica officiated the Holy Liturgy at the church devoted to this saint in Cukarica.
The Bishop was concelebrated by local priests. Bishop Antonije blessed the slava cake. The dean of the church f. Nikola Trajkovic greeted His Grace Bishop Antonije, for whom this was the first Hierarchal Liturgy as the Vicar of Serbian Patriarch.
A cross brought back upon a church in Prizren
7. August 2017 - 14:31Thirteen year after the 2004 Pogrom when the church of Christ’s Ascension in Prizren, Metochia, was set to fire and devastated, the Society of Friends of the monastery of Holy Archangels in Prizren along with the Church-school community of Prizren managed to produce and elevate a cross on this sacred temple from XIV century.
Patronal feast of the monastery of Holy Archangels near Prizren
7. August 2017 - 14:30In the monastery of Holy Archangels near Prizren the feast day of Saint Gabriel the Archangel, the patronal feast of the monastery, was celebrated. Bishop Teodosije of Raska-Prizren officiated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy with the clergy and in the presence of the faithful who had come from various places.