Serbian Orthodox Church

Biography of new-elected Bishop of Nis Arsenije (Glavcic)

The new-elected Bishop of Nis Arsenije (Glavcic), Vicar Bishop of His Holiness Patriarch Irinej, was born on March 10, 1978 in Vrsac, as Milomir Glavcic.

He finished primary school in his birthplace in 1993, and from there, upon the blessing of the then Bishop Hrizostom (Stolic) of Banat, attended the Seminary of Saint Sava in Belgrade and finished it successfully in 1998. Upon the blessing of Bishop Hrizostom, he immatriculated the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Belgrade. During his studies he attended  twice the Puskin Institute in Moscow to improve his Russian, in 1999 and 2000.

Patronal feast of the church of Saint Panteleimon in Nis

Patronal feast of the church of Saint Panteleimon in Nis
Patronal feast of the church of Saint Panteleimon in Nis
Patronal feast of the church of Saint Panteleimon in Nis
Patronal feast of the church of Saint Panteleimon in Nis

His Grace Bishop Teodosije of Raska-Prizren, administrator of the Diocese of Nis, served, on the occasion of the Patronal feast of the church, the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy at the church of Saint Panteleimon in Nis on 9 August 2017.

First Liturgy in Japanese in Belgrade Cathedral

With the blessing of Serbian Patriarch Irinej and Metropolitan Daniel of Tokyo and All Japan, Bishop Antonije of Moravica, Vicar Bishop of the Serbian Patriarch, celebrated the Holy Hierachal Liturgy with the concelebration of a guest from the Japanese Orthodox Church, priest Gregory Mizuno from Yokohama, in the Cathedral church in Belgrade on Sunday, 6 August 207, on the feast of the Holy Martyrs of Prebilovci and Lower Herzegovina.

Father Gregory pronounced prayers and exclamations in Japanese, which was, actually, the first time in history that in the Belgrade's Cathedral church the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy was served in this language as well.

Diocesan Days 2017 in the Eastern-American Diocese

Diocesan Days 2017 in the Eastern-American Diocese
Diocesan Days 2017 in the Eastern-American Diocese
Diocesan Days 2017 in the Eastern-American Diocese
Diocesan Days 2017 in the Eastern-American Diocese

On Saturday, August 5th, the Eastern-American Diocese held their first Diocesan Day celebration under the omophorion of their recently-enthroned hierarch, His Grace Bishop Irinej. 

Faithful from around the diocese gathered at the Most Holy Mother of God Monastery Church at the St. Sava Camp in Shadeland, PA, to offer thanksgiving to God as one body, in unity, at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy.

Bishop Jovan of Slavonia in Russia

Bishop Jovan of Slavonia in Russia
Bishop Jovan of Slavonia in Russia
Bishop Jovan of Slavonia in Russia
Bishop Jovan of Slavonia in Russia

Bishop of Slavonia attended the Patronal feast of Air landing troops in Moscow. - A visit to the Diocese of Novy Kuznec and Metropolitanate of Kemerov.

On 2 August 2017 when the Holy Church celebrates the feast of Holy Prophet Elijah, traditionally feast’s celebrations dedicated to Saint Elijah’s Day were held in the street of Ilinka. This is the day which unitea the Day of Air Landing Troops with the Patronal feast of the church of Saint Elijah the Prophet, which is the central church of the Air Landing troops.