Serbian Orthodox Church

The new Serbian Orthodox Bishop of Canada enthroned

While paying a canonical visitation to the Diocese of Canada, His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, in the presence of many Hierarchs, enthroned the former Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America as Diocesan Bishop of Canada, on the Sunday of the 18th September 2016.

Half a century of St. Demetrios church in Windsor

Half a century of St. Demetrios church in Windsor
Half a century of St. Demetrios church in Windsor
Half a century of St. Demetrios church in Windsor
Half a century of St. Demetrios church in Windsor

With God's help the fiftieth anniversary of the St. Demetrios church-school congregation in Windsor was celebrated. Parishioners, together with the clergy, deacons and readers, welcomed His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej who was accompanied by Bishop Vasilije of Srem, Bishop Longin of New Gracanica and Midwest America, Bishop Hrizostom of Zvornik-Tuzla and the newly elected Bishop Mitrophan of Canada, who on the following day, September 18, 2016, will be enthroned in Mississauga as the local bishop of the Diocese of Canada.

Preperations for the celebration of the fiftieth parish anniversary have been underway for months. The church board led by the parish priest as well as all the parishioners and church organizations worked day and night in order to make this day all the more special. The St. Demetrios parish church was consecrated in 1966 and since then it has served as a place of regular services, where generations are saved through their Holy Serbian Orthodox Church. In the parish there is an active church choir that beautifully sings at every service, the "Majka Jugovic" Kolo Sestara, there is a Church School with 40 children where, apart from the catechism, Serbian language is taught as well as Serbian history. There is also a folklore group "Mlada Srbadija".

Bishop Arsenije officiated Divine Liturgy in the church of St. Nicholas Velimirovic

Two hundred pupils of the Religious Education attended the Eucharistic gathering.

His Grace Vicar Bishop Arsenije of Toplice, with the blessing of the Serbian Patriarch Irinej, celebrated Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of St. Nicholas of Zicha at Resnik n. Belgrade on the Sunday of 18th of September 2016.  Next to the pious parishioners of this Belgrade suburb town, the Divine Liturgy was attended by more than 200 pupils who attend Religious Education classes (Catechism) in public schools located in the neighboring area. The mayor of the Rakovica Community, Mr. Vladan Kocic, with his colleagues was in the congregation. 

Introductory Remarks of Fr Miodrag Peric at Bishop Irinej’s Farewell Gala

Your Eminence, Archbishop Paul of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, Your Graces: Bishop Iakovos of Greek Orthodox Arhdiocese of Australia, Bishop George of Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Bishop Suriel of Melbourne and Bishop Daniel of Sydney of the Coptic Orthodox Church, Very reverend fathers, Fr. Michael Protopopov, Fr. Ljupco and all other brothers clergy here present, The Honourable Ms Upton, Attorney General, Your Excellencies, Mr. Petrovic, Serbian Ambassador to Australia and Mr. Radosevic, Consul general of the Republic of Serbia, Ladies and gentlemen, Dear brothers and sisters,

After almost 10 full years of a dedicated service to God and Christ's Holy Church, after 10 years of a fruitful leadership as the head of our local Church and most prominent leader of our Serbian community in Australia and New Zealand, His Grace Bishop Irinej is about to leave us and take up a new appointment in His home country of America.

Patriarch Irinej officiated Liturgy in Milton

Patriarch Irinej officiated Liturgy in Milton
Patriarch Irinej officiated Liturgy in Milton
Patriarch Irinej officiated Liturgy in Milton
Patriarch Irinej officiated Liturgy in Milton

On 14 September 2016, on the day when the Church celebrates a beginning of a New church year, His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in monastery chapel of the Holy Three Hierarchs in Milton, Canada

The Patriarch was concelebrated by priest Jovan Marjanac, Secretary of the Diocese of Canada, and protodeacon Damjan Bozic. The Holy Hierarchal Liturgy was prayerfully attended by Mitrophan, Bishop- elect of Canada. Protosyncellos Vasilije, abbot of the Milton monastery; deacon Djuradj Kojic from Mississauga and Mr. Milorad Delic, graduated theologian, sang responses.