Serbian Orthodox Church
Bishop Siluan of Australia and New Zealand Consecrated
18. August 2016 - 9:34During the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy officiated in the Cathedral of Holy Archangel Michael in Belgrade by Serbian Patriarch Irinej and concelebrating Hierarchs, the new Serbian Bishop of Australia-New Zealand Siluan (Mrakic) was consecrated Bishop.
The Primate of the Church concelebrated with 21 Hierarchs, a large number of priests and deacons. The responses were sung by the First Belgrade Singing Society. This ecclesial event was attended, amongst other prominent personalities, by the director of the Office for Relations with Churches and Religious Communities of the Serbian Government, Dr. Mileta Radojevic, as well as by Their Excellencies Mrs Julia Feeney, Australian Ambassador to Serbia, and Mr. Miroljub Petrovic, Serbian Ambassador to Australia.
The feast-day of St. Archdeacon Stephan celebrated in Belgrade
17. August 2016 - 9:14The feast-day of the Translation of Relics of St. Archdeacon Stephan was marked by a Hierarchal Liturgy celebrated by His Holiness the Serbian Patriarch Irinej in the monastery dedicated to this ecclesial event, Slanci, near Belgrade, which is a filial monastery of the Monastery Chilandar in Mount Athos.
The Serbian Patriarch pronounced a sermon. The liturgical event was attended by a large number of the faithful both from Belgrade as well as from other cities of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska.
The feast-day of Ven. Mother Angelina of Syrmium solemnly celebrated
14. August 2016 - 12:09Serbian Patriarch Irinej officiated the Hierarchal Liturgy with concelebration of several Serbian Hierarchs. - A special guest from the Polish Orthodox Church – Archbishop Abel of Lublin concelebrated as well. – Several thousands of faithful participated in the solemnities.
Monastery Krusedol, Srem, 12.8.2016. – At the invitation of the competent Bishop of Srem Vasilije, His Holiness Serbian Patriarh Irinej celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Monastery Krusedol, where the relics of the Venerable Mother Angelina rest. Several abbots and archimandrites of leading Srem monasteries celebrated in the Liturgy and Prof. Jovan Petkovic, Principal of the famous Karlovcy Theological Seminary was with them as well.
A Celebration in Honor of His Grace Bishop Dr Mitrophan
11. August 2016 - 12:48
A Celebration in Honor of His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan on His 25 Years of Service in the Eastern American Diocese and His Election as Bishop of Canada
Saturday, August 13, 2016 - St. Elijah Serbian Orthodox Churc, Aliquippa, PA
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, 10 AM, Reception & Testimonial Banquet to follow at the St. Elijah Serbian Center
This year marks His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan's 25th Anniversary as Serbian Orthodox Bishop of Eastern America. It also marks a new milestone as he leaves the Eastern American Diocese for his new duties as Bishop of Canada. The clergy and faithful of the Eastern American Diocese are invited to thank His Grace for his years of faithful service as our Archpastor, and to wish him Godspeed as he assumes his new duties in Canada at this service and banquet in his honor.
The servant of God Vladan Radovanovic ordained to the Priesthood
11. August 2016 - 12:25The Feast of the Holy Glorious Elijah, Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016, was a joyous day in the Western American Diocese. During the Divine Liturgy, at the Saint Steven's Cathedral in Alhambra, California, His Grace Bishop Maxim ordained to the deaconate, Vladan Radovanovic.
Among the concelebrants were V. Rev. Nikola Ceko, V. Rev. Bratso Krsic, V. Rev. Blasko Paraklis, Rev. Milovan Katanic, Rev. Milan Unkovic, Rev. Zoran Aleksic, and Deacon John Ma'ae. The prayerful responses, led by Jonathan Braun, were beautifully sung by the children attending the Cathedral's summer camp.