Spruce Island, known as the “New Valaam”, is where St. Herman lived from 1808-1818 in a life of prayer and strict asceticism.  Although the original house he lived in no longer remains, a new house and church were built on the site of his repose.  A miraculous, healing freshwater spring flows nearby.  The island is also home to the monks of the St. Michael Skete, under the jurisdiction of His Grace, Bishop Maxim. Three monks are currently living in the monastery, celebrating the daily cycle of services and farming and fishing for sustinence.  The monks boast an impressive vegetable garden and preserve whatever fish they catch for the cold winter months.  The monastery does not have running water or refrigeration.  Heating is obtained by burning the wood they must chop themselves and store in a small shed for the winter.  It should be noted that the hard physical work is amplified by the very steep island terrain which is wet and rocky in the warm season, and covered by thick snow and slippery ice in the cold season.