Serbian Orthodox Church

Serbian Patriarch arrived in Canada

Serbian Patriarch arrived in Canada
Serbian Patriarch arrived in Canada
Serbian Patriarch arrived in Canada
Serbian Patriarch arrived in Canada

Његова Светост Патријарх српски г. Иринеј свечано је дочекан на интернационалном аеродрому Пирсон у Торонту.

Више свештеника предвођених изабраним Епископом канадским др Митрофаном, у присуству конзула Републике Србије г. Спасоја Милићевића и верног народа, са цвећем и многољетствијем су дочекали Свјатејшега Патријарха и администратора Епархије канадске.

Ecumenical Patriarch at the audience with President of Croatia

Ecumenical Patriarch at the audience with President of Croatia
Ecumenical Patriarch at the audience with President of Croatia
Ecumenical Patriarch at the audience with President of Croatia
Ecumenical Patriarch at the audience with President of Croatia

On Saturday, September 10th 2016, His All-Holiness Bartholomew, Archbishop of Constantinople and Ecumenical Patriarch, accompanied by Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb-Ljubljana, visited the President of the Republic of Croatia Mrs. Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic in her residence in Zagreb.

Madame President Grabar-Kitarovic pointed out that Jasenovac as the place of suffering, as well as other places of innocently suffered people, represent the black spots of people; however, she added that it was not good to manipulate with the number of victims and that one should look into the future by learning  from the mistakes from history. By respecting and not forgetting the innocently suffered victims one should look into the future and do everything that people live in peace and mutual understanding.

For the glory and honour of the New Martyrs of Jasenovac

For the glory and honour of the New Martyrs of Jasenovac
For the glory and honour of the New Martyrs of Jasenovac
For the glory and honour of the New Martyrs of Jasenovac
For the glory and honour of the New Martyrs of Jasenovac

Eucharistic gathering in the monastery of Jasenovac. Prayerful commemoration of the New Martyrs at the place of the  tomb in the concentration camp of Jasenovac. Consecration of the restored Bishop’s Palace in Pakrac, residence of the Serbian Bishop of Slavonia. Audience with the President of the Republic of Croatia, Mrs. Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic.

On the second day of the visit to the Dioceses of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Croatia, on September 10th 2016, His All-Holiness Bartholomew of Constantinople and Patriarch Ecumenical together with His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej celebrated, on the occasion of 75th  anniversary of the beginning of suffering of the Holy Martyrs of Jasenovac, the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the monastery church of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist in Jasenovac.

Historical visit of Ecumenical Patriarch to Croatia

Historical visit of Ecumenical Patriarch to Croatia
Historical visit of Ecumenical Patriarch to Croatia
Historical visit of Ecumenical Patriarch to Croatia
Historical visit of Ecumenical Patriarch to Croatia

Symposium with the theme New Martyrs: PolyperspectiveII  held in the Orthodox Grammar School Katarina Kantakuzina Brankovic

The clergy of the Metropolitanate of Zagreb-Ljubljana performed a solemn doxology rite in the chapel of Saint Sava, the church within the Orthodox Grammar School “Katarina Kantakuzina Brankovic” complex, which began at 10:30 a.m.

Final Day of the 20th Diocesan Days in Jackson

The final day of the 20th Annual Diocesan Days celebration came on the Lord's Day, the 11th Sunday after Pentecost, the feast day of the Holy Martyr St. Agathonicus.

The clergy were vested early during Matins Sunday morning in preparation to welcome and piously receive the relics of St. Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson who, during the course of Matins, was escorted into the makeshift church by His Grace Bishop Maxim and all the clergy of the Western American Diocese.

20th Annual Diocesan Days Continues

20th Annual Diocesan Days Continues
20th Annual Diocesan Days Continues
20th Annual Diocesan Days Continues
20th Annual Diocesan Days Continues

Chanting, the ancient melodies and hymns in glory and honor of the Holy Apostle Thaddeus whose memory the church commemorated on Saturday, 3 September, resonated through the crisp morning air. It came from the makeshift chapel under the tent at the St. Sava campgrounds and the morning Matins that prayerfully marked the start of the second day of this year’s Diocesan Days celebration. While the clergy filed in one by one, they received a blessing from their bishop and spiritual father, His Grace Maxim. During the course of the Matins service the clergy vested and gathered once more around their bishop for the start of the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. “The Kingdom of heaven is at hand,” His Grace stood before the altar and announced to the gathered faithful. “Whenever we celebrate one of the Apostles, as we do today, we remember that they went out to preach the gospel and they preached exactly this dimension of our salvation, that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, it is here with us in our Eucharistic gathering and celebration.”