Serbian Orthodox Church

SerbFest in North Port

SerbFest in North Port
SerbFest in North Port
SerbFest in North Port
SerbFest in North Port

On Sunday Fen 28, 2016 the St. Sava Church in North Port, FL hosted their annual Serbian Festival. The church is not complete yet but the parishoners of St. Sava are working hard towards that goal, and their annual Festival plays an important role in that endeavor. Good music, food, and tasty kolace (Serbian cookies) were prepared for their guests. This was a two day event featuring Srpski Biser on Saturday from St.Petersburg Florida, dancing Kolos to the delight of the audience.

Kolo Slava in Clearwater

Kolo Slava in Clearwater
Kolo Slava in Clearwater
Kolo Slava in Clearwater
Kolo Slava in Clearwater

The Kolo Sisters had their Slava on Sunday Feb. 21, 2016 at St. George Church. The Slava is Sretenje Gospodnje (Presentation of Jesus at the Temple).

Saint Sava celebration in Pittsburgh

Saint Sava celebration in Pittsburgh
Saint Sava celebration in Pittsburgh
Saint Sava celebration in Pittsburgh
Saint Sava celebration in Pittsburgh

On Sunday, January 31, 2016, the faithful of the St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in St. Petersburg, FL, celebrated the patronal feast of their parish church, St. Sava, the First Archbishop of the Serbs, Enlightener and equal to the Apostles. The Divine Liturgy was celebrated by the V. Rev. Stavrophor Stephen Zaremba, parish priest, and the V. Rev. Stavrophor Jovan Todorovic, retired, attached to the St. George parish in Clearwater, FL. The V. Rev. Stavrophor Miloje Rajicevic, retired priest of the St. Sava parish, who was unable to serve due to ill health, preached an inspiring sermon about St. Sava to the faithful gathered for the celebration, who filled the St. Sava Church to capacity.

Patriarch Irinej of Serbia pays a canonical visit to Australia

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, pays a Archpastoral visit to the Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand of the Serbian Orthodox Church (photo gallery).

His Holiness is accompanied by Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral, protopresbyter-staurophor Stojadin Pavlovic, director of the Administration office of the Serbian Patriarchate; and deacon Aleksandar Sekulic, officer of the Office of the Serbian Patriarch. His Holiness Serbian Patriarch was welcomed by His Grace Bishop Irinej of Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand with priests and faithful at the airport in Melbourne, on March 1, 2016.

Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Institute - Day Four

Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Institute - Day Four
Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Institute - Day Four
Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Institute - Day Four
Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Institute - Day Four

The fourth and final day of the Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Institute began with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy.

Officiating at the liturgy was His Grace Bishop Maxim with the concelebration of diocesan clergy along with visiting clergy from the Eastern, Midwestern and Canadian dioceses. 

Apostolic Nuncio payed an official visit to the Serbian Patriarch

Apostolic Nuncio payed an official visit to the  Serbian Patriarch
Apostolic Nuncio payed an official visit to the  Serbian Patriarch
Apostolic Nuncio payed an official visit to the  Serbian Patriarch
Apostolic Nuncio payed an official visit to the  Serbian Patriarch

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, received His Eminence Archbishop Luciano Suriani, the Apostolic Nuncio to Serbia, at the Serbian Patriarchate on 25 February 2016. His Excellency made his first visit to Serbian Patriarch since his appointment to the diplomatic service in Serbia.

His Eminence was accompanied by Monsignor Janusz Blachowiak, First Secretary of  the Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See and father Aleksandar Ninkovic, local secretary at the Apostolic Nunciature. The audience was attended by Rev. Vladimir Vranic, chief secretary of the Office of the Serbian Patriarch, and deacon Aleksandar Sekulic, assistant secretary in the Office of the Serbian Patriarch.