Celebration of St. George's Day in Sombor
9. May 2011 - 10:03On the feast day of saint, celebrated Great martyr, Victory-bearer and Wonderworker George, the patron of the city of Sombor, on May 6, 2011, the Divine Liturgy was served in the church of St. George.
Invotation for the former students of Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade
14. March 2011 - 14:41
Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade wishes to establish firm contact and cooperation with all its graduated students. Accordingly, the Dean's office invites graduated students of this Faculty to send in their names, home and email addresses, and telephone numbers. It would be useful if they could also supply their INDEX number and the year of graduation.
On the Deaths of the Persecutors - Lactantius (Serbian translation)
2. May 2011 - 17:11Academy of the Serbian Orthodox Church for Fine arts and conservation from Belgrade started an edition: Treasury of the Holy Fathers, in which the first book is the work of Lactantius On the Deaths of the Persecutors (Latin: De mortibus persecutorum). The translation was done by Dr Milena Milin. The proofreading was done by Mr Dusica Petrovic. The editor of this publication and newly-created edition is protopresbyter-stavrophor Dr Radomir Popovic.