
Weekly Diocesan Bulletin - Sunday, September 25, 2016

Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Sunday before the Exaltation of the Life-giving Cross; The Holy Hieromonk Autonomus; The Leave-taking of the 
Nativity of the Theotokos

RESURRECTIONAL TROPARION - TONE FIVE: Let us, the faithful, praise and worship the Word, coeternal with the Father and the Spirit, born for our salvation from the Virgin; for He willed to be lifted upon the Cross in the flesh, to endure death, and to raise the dead by His glorious Resurrection.

Kremlin to Restore Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich Memorial Cross

Russian President Vladimir Putin has given his approval for the restoration of the memorial cross erected on the site where the former Governor-General of Moscow Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich was assassinated in the Kremlin in February, 1905. The cross was established in 1908, but was later destroyed by the Bolsheviks.

Historical Survey of Ancient Versions

1. Earliest Versions of the Hebrew Bible.

The deportation of the Jewish people to Mesopotamiadeprived them of their temple worship and they were thrown back upon scripture for a principle of coherence of religious and national identity. Thus the returning exiles in the following century, although they restored the worship of the temple, adhered to the Law and its public reading, as the books of Ezra

Scientific Conference in Podgorica: Saint John Vladimir and his place in Serbian history, culture and spirituality

In the laura of Saint Symeon the Myrrhgusher in Nemanja’s town Podgorica a scientific conference with the theme “Saint John Vladimir and his place in Serbian history, culture and spirituality” was held on 2 July 2016.

The conference on the occasion of the 1000th anniversary of the Martyr’s death was organized by the newly founded Institute for Serbian Culture from Niksic. His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije spoke on the topic “Saint John Vladimir above East and West”.

Vidovdan Address of Saint Nikolaj Velimirovic, 1916

On June 28th 1916, now Sainted Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović addressed a congregation gathered at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London at the invitation of the Archbishop of Canterbury. 

Gentlemen and friends,

I am coming from Serbia, from European “midnight”. There is no ray of light, not a single trace. All the light went from the ground to the sky and the sky is the only place where the light is coming from. Nevertheless, we that are weak in everything are strong in faith and hope that dawn will soon arrive. I am grateful to Lord Archbishop, Randall Cantuar, that allowed me, on this holy day, Vidovdan, year of Our Lord 1916, in this beautiful church of Saint Paul, to address his majesty, King George V and the most prominent Englishmen.

Weekly Diocesan Bulletin - Sunday, May 29, 2016

Christ is Risen!

Fifth Sunday of Pascha: The Samaritan Woman at the Well; Saint Theodore the Sanctified; Hieromartyr Theodore of Vrshac; New-martyr Vukashin

When the women disciples of the Lord learned from the angel the joyous message of Your Resurrection, they cast away the ancestral curse and elatedly told the apostles:  Death is overthrown!  Christ God is risen, granting the world great mercy!