
Centenary of Battle of Cer

The decisive stage of the Battle of Cer, which ended as the first major Allied victory in World War I - and one that was won by the Serbian forces - took place in the night between August 15 and 16, 1914.

The fact that tiny Serbia managed to defeat the Austro-Hungarian troops so comprehensively at Cer despite being at a great disadvantage in every sense was met with shock and disbelief in Vienna and Berlin, as well as with jubilation among the Allies, and Serbia's reputation grew unexpectedly.

Lecture delivered by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk at Uppsala University

On 14 May 2014, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, chairman of the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission and rector of the Ss Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute for Post-Graduate Studies, delivered a lecture at the Faculty of Theology of the Uppsala University, Sweden.

The Church Tradition and Scientific Theology

“To think free is great; but to think right is greater”

Thomas Thorild

With these words of the famous Swedish poet and philosopher, I would like to begin my presentation which contains in its title two antithetical concepts.

St. Tikhon`s Orthodox University will help St. Vladimir`s Seminary in the creation of the Institute of Sacred Arts

St. Tikhon`s Orthodox University will help St. Vladimir`s Seminary in the creation of the Institute of Sacred Arts
St. Tikhon`s Orthodox University will help St. Vladimir`s Seminary in the creation of the Institute of Sacred Arts
St. Tikhon`s Orthodox University will help St. Vladimir`s Seminary in the creation of the Institute of Sacred Arts
St. Tikhon`s Orthodox University will help St. Vladimir`s Seminary in the creation of the Institute of Sacred Arts

The management of St. Tikhon`s Orthodox University (PSTGU) and St. Vladimir`s Seminary of New York, USA met on October 12, 2013, in the Hall of the Academic Council of PSTGU. The University was represented by the Rector Archpriest Vladimir Vorobev, Vice President of Academic Affairs Minister Gennady Egorov, Vice-Rector for International Affairs Archpriest Georgij Orekhanov, Dean of the Faculty of Liturgical Arts Archpriest Alexander Saltykov, Head of the research center of theological history and education Suhova N.Yu., Head of the Department of Systematic Theology and patrology Mikhailov P.B., and the Head of the International Department Nichkova V.V. The delegation of the leading educational institution of the American Orthodox Church was composed by the seminary Dean Archpriest John Behr, Chancellor Archpriest Chad Hatfield and the Head of the publishing house Deacon Gregory Hatrak. Secretary of the Moscow Patriarchate Commission, which regulates student exchange, Fr John Kopejkin has accompanied the delegation of St. Vladimir’s Seminary.

Bodily fasting for the soul's benefit

The Nativity fast begins on November 14/27, and lasts forty days. The Nativity fast is not as strict as Great Lent or the Dormition fast, and can be compared to the Apostle’s fast. It was instituted by the Church so that we would worthily greet the feast of the Nativity of Christ after having cleansed our hearts by prayer and repentance.

The establishment of the Nativity fast, like many other long fasts, dates back to the early days of Christianity. Already in the fourth century, St. Ambrose of Milan, Philastrius, and Blessed Augustine recall the Nativity fast in their works. St. Leo the Great wrote about the antiquity of the Nativity fast in the fifth century.

International Scientific Conference – “The Cyrillo-Methodian Tradition, the Language and the Mission of the Church in the XXI Century”

International Scientific Conference – “The Cyrillo-Methodian Tradition, the Language and the Mission of the Church in the XXI Century”
International Scientific Conference – “The Cyrillo-Methodian Tradition, the Language and the Mission of the Church in the XXI Century”
International Scientific Conference – “The Cyrillo-Methodian Tradition, the Language and the Mission of the Church in the XXI Century”
International Scientific Conference – “The Cyrillo-Methodian Tradition, the Language and the Mission of the Church in the XXI Century”

At  the Orthodox Theological Faculty of the University in Belgrade, on 6 December 2013 there was held an International Scientific Conference “The Cyrillo-Methodian Tradition, the Language and the Mission of the Church in the XXI Century”.

Before the beginning of the great scientific conference, His Grace Bishop Irinej of Backa celebrated the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy at the chapel of Saint John the Theologian. The dean of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology protopresbyter-stavrophor Professor Dr. Predrag Puzovic opened the conference and Bishop Irinej and protopresbyter-stavrophor Professor Dr. Vladimir Vukasinovic delivered addresses. Director of the Office for Cooperation with Traditional Churches and Religious Communities Dr. Mileta Radojevic also attended the opening ceremony.