
Conference “Athos and Slav world" in Belgrade

On May 16–18, the international academic conference "Athos and Slavic World" devoted to 1000 years of Russian presence on the Mount Athos took place in Belgrad, reports

Specialists from Russia, Serbia, Bulgaria, the Ukraine, Greece, Italy, Norway and Lithuania took part in the forum. The conference was organized by the international fund for the restoration and preservation of St. Panteleimon Monastery's cultural and spiritual heritage.

Largest academic conference on Ottoman Turkish genocides of Anatolian Christians

The largest academic conference ever held in Skokie, Illinois, focusing on the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek genocides concluded on Saturday, May 11, after two days of presentations by more than a dozen scholars from Armenia, Australia, England and across North America.

The event, titled The Ottoman Turkish Genocides of Anatolian Christians: A Common Case Study, was organized by the ANCA of Illinois, the Assyrian Center for Genocide Studies and the Asia Minor and Pontos Hellenic Research Center, and was held at the prestigious Illinois Holocaust Museum and Educational Center in Skokie on May 10 and 11.

Metropolitan Hilarion opens theological conference in University of Fribourg

Metropolitan Hilarion opens theological conference in University of Fribourg
Metropolitan Hilarion opens theological conference in University of Fribourg
Metropolitan Hilarion opens theological conference in University of Fribourg
Metropolitan Hilarion opens theological conference in University of Fribourg

On 3 April 2013, Metropolitan Hilarion, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations (DECR), rector of the Ss Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Post-Graduate and Doctoral Studies, professor of the Moscow Theological Academy and of the University of Fribourg, opened a conference on “Episcopal Ordination and Episcopal Ministry according to Catholic and Orthodox Doctrine and Canon Law” at the University of Fribourg. Taking part in the conference, which will last four days, are bishops and theologians from the Roman Cath0olic Church and the Orthodox Churches, faculty and students of the universities of Switzerland.

Delegation of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of Saint Basil of Ostrog visits Kiev

The delegation of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of Saint Basil of Ostrog, led by its dean protopresbyter-stavrophor Boris Brajovic, paid an official visit to the Kiev Theological Academy and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Kiev.

On Friday, 29 March 2013, the delegation met with the dean of the Kiev Theological Academy and Seminary His Eminence Metropolitan Anthony of Borispol. The delegations discussed the ways of cooperation and improvement of the relations between the two faculties. The first vice chancellor of the Kiev Spiritual Academy Vladimir Burega and professor of the Faculty of Theology in Foca Darko Djogo were also attended at the meeting.

Seminary Dean Signs Cooperative Agreement with Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Romania

At the invitation of His Eminence Nicolae, archbishop of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese in the Americas, The Very Rev. Dr. John Behr, dean of St. Vladimir's Seminary (SVOTS) traveled to Bucharest to sign a cooperative agreement between SVOTS and the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Bucharest. His visit, blessed by His Beatitude Daniel, archbishop of Bucharest, metropolitan of Muntenia and Dobrudgea, locum tenens of the throne of Caesarea of Cappadocia, patriarch of Romania, began on the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee when he celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Patriarchal Cathedral of St. Constantine and Helen.

Serbian House of Studies to be Founded at Seminary

St. Vladimir's Seminary (SVOTS) and the Faculty of Orthodox Theology at the University of Belgrade have made a formal agreement to work together with the aim of establishing a Serbian House of Studies on the campus of St. Vladimir's Seminary. The House of Studies has several goals, including the promotion of sustained dialogue and educational exchanges between Orthodox Christians in America and Serbia.