Bishop Jovan of Slavonia at St. Elijah’s festivities in Moscow
5. August 2019 - 12:55On the second day of August 2019, when the Holy Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Prophet Elijah, St. Elijah’s festivities were traditionally held at the Ilinka Street in Moscow.
The celebration started with the triumphant Divine Liturgy in the church of Prophet Elijah, served by Bishops Theophilact of Dmitrov and John of Slavonia and a number of clergy. After the Liturgy, a solemn procession went from this church towards the Red Square and a prayer service – moleban to the Holy Prophet Elijah was served at the so-called Lobno Place.
The feast of Prophet Elijah at The Patriarchate of Jerusalem
5. August 2019 - 12:01
On Friday July 20/ August 2, 2019, the Patriarchate celebrated the commemoration of Prophet Elijah the Thesbite in his historic Holy Monastery, which is located between Jerusalem and Bethlehem, near the ancient Monastery of Theotokos’ Seat.
On this feast the Church projects Prophet Elijah as a person full of strong and extreme zeal for the name of God, for which reason God graced him with the Divine power so that he was able to work many miracles and perform signs, as recorded in the books of Kings in the Old Testament and in St. James Epistle in the New Testament.
Katerini welcomed the Relics of St. Dionysius of Olympus
5. August 2019 - 10:08According to an old custom, a fragment of the remains of Saint Dionysius, Patron Saint and Curator of all Pieria, was transferred for the 15th of August from the homonymous monastery of Olympus to Katerini.
Specifically, on Thursday, August 1, in the central park of the city, the reception of the Holy Relics was held in the presence of the Clergy and the People, led by Metropolitan Bartholomew of Smyrna. Then a liturgical procession was formed to the Church of Virgin Mary Pantanassa. There the relic was placed next to the icon of Panagia Odigitria.
Turkish President Erdogan Laid Cornerstone for the First Orthodox Church to be Built in Modern Turkey
5. August 2019 - 10:05
On 3/8/2019 Tayyip Erdogan the President of Turkey laid the cornerstone for the first Orthodox Church (Mor Efrem Syriac Orthodox Church in Istanbul) which will be built in modern Turkey.
The new Church will be built in the Istanbul suburb of Yesilkoy. The President stated that the new Syriac Orthodox Church will be a “new wealth” for the city’. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, Yusuf Çetin- Patriarchal Vicar of the Syriac Orthodox Church in Istanbul and Ankara, several religious and political leaders attended the historic event. The Syriac Orthodox Church is one of the ancient communities in the world, established by St. Peter the Apostle of Jesus Christ.
Festal celebrations for the 27th anniversary since the enthronement of Archbishop Anastasios
5. August 2019 - 8:13With the participation of six Archpriests, many priests and a crowd of people, the 27th anniversary of the enthronement of the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Albania was celebrated on Friday, August 2, at the Resurrection of Christ Orthodox Cathedral of Tirana.
This event is a starting point for the rebuilding, rebirth and reestablishment of the Church in the neighboring country.
Ecumenical Patriarch will visit Mount Athos in October
5. August 2019 - 8:10On Saturday, August 3, a Delegation of the Holy Community of Mount Athos, consisting of Monk Nikodemos Lavriotis, Monk Nikodemos Agiopavlitis and Hieromonk Sisois Xenofontinos, had a cooperation with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, so as to schedule the visit by Bartholomew to Mount Athos, 19-22 October.
On Saturday, October 19, the Ecumenical Patriarch will arrive at Xenophontos Monastery, his first stop on Mount Athos. At the Arsanas (a small port that only the monks have the access) of the Monastery there shall take place the official welcome of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew by the Abbot, the Holy Primates and the Representatives of the 20 Athonite Holy Monasteries.