Serbian Orthodox Church
Church Picnic in Lebanon
14. June 2017 - 13:08On the First Sunday after Pentecost ( the Sunday of All Saints - June 11th, 2
017), our Parish hosted its annual Picnic. As our guests we had the honor to have the youth Choir from St. Nicholas from Steelton who sung during the Divine Liturgy. Our Parish prepared a lot of traditional Serbian food, while the music was provided by the etno -orchestra.
Church School Graduation in North Canton
13. June 2017 - 17:47On Sunday, June 4th 2017, the St. George Serbian Orthodox parish celebrated the Great Feast of Pentecost. The congregation reveled in the hymns of the Feast as the Boza Yoksimovich Serbian Singing Society of Canton joyously sang the responses after weeks of practice. In particular, their English version of the Festal Tropar “Blessed art Thou O Christ our God…”, sung in the Serbian tonal setting, was magnificent!
Biography of Episcopus electus of Dalmatia Nikodim
10. June 2017 - 13:51The elected Bishop of Dalmatian Nikodim (Kosovic) was born on 15 April 1981 in Zadar, from parents who died in his early childhood.
He grew up together with his sister Danica, under the care of his uncle Nenad Kosovic, a well-known Benkovac professor and translator from Russian. He started Elementary school in Zadar, continued it in Benkovac in 1991 and ended at Dragocvet near Jagodina, Serbia, in 1995. Starting from 1991 he lived in the village Suljkovac n. Jagodina where he as a child, due to the civil war, went into exile, and in 1994 he together with his father and sister moved to live in Jagodina. He finished the Serbian Orthodox Seminary of Saint Arsenius of Srem in Sremski Karlovci in 2000.
Memorial Saturday in North Port
9. June 2017 - 14:11On Memorial Saturday, the Divine Liturgy for the Deceased and a Memorial Service were conducted. Father Sasa talked about the necessity of prayer for the departed and the meaning of the wheat, wine and candles that we use when we celebrate the memorial service and mention those deceased in the Lord.
Parish Slava Celebration at Holy Trinity in Youngstown
9. June 2017 - 14:08The Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church-School Congregation on Laird Avenue in Youngstown, Ohio celebrated its Slava, Pentecost - Duhovi on June 4th beginning with the Divine Liturgy.
Church School Graduation in Columbus
9. June 2017 - 14:03On Sunday June 4, 2017, the feast of the Decent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles – Pentecost; following a very festive Divine Liturgy, St. Stevan Church School had a Graduation ceremony for the students.