SSS Branko Radichevich to participate in SSF Choir Festival at Steubenville, OH
15. June 2011 - 12:37
Our Cathedral choir, the Serbian Singing Society Branko Radichevich is travelling to Steubenville, OH and Weirton, WV over the upcoming Memorial Day weekend.
The annual Choral festival of the Serbian Singing Federation of America, US and Canada, has been traditionally held over Memorial Day weekend for the past 80 years.
International Conference on Orthodox Church Music Concludes
15. June 2011 - 11:49
The 4th International Conference on Orthodox Church Music concluded on Friday, 10 June 2011 here, at the School of Theology, University of Eastern Finland. The conference, hosted by the International Society for Orthodox Church Music (ISOCM), featured participants from twenty different countries presenting papers on a variety of topics related to the conference's overall theme of "Unity and Variety in Orthodox Music: Theory and Practice."
Nis - martyropolis and imperial city
9. June 2011 - 10:13On Friday, June 3, 2011 in a solemn hall of the University of Nis, His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch attended an opening of the 10th scientific meeting of byzanthologists Nis and Byzanth on the theme - Nis, martyropolis and imperial city. Welcome speech, on behalf of the organizational committee, was held by Dr Misa Rakocija. Afterwards Serbian Patriarch Irinej blessed the work and the participants of the meeting with an appropriate welcome speech. Also following Patriarch, M.sci Milos Simonovic, mayor of Nis and Dr Miroljub Grozdanovic, dean of the University in Nis welcomed the participants. Academician Dr Renate Pilinger from Vienna solemnly opened the 10th scientific meeting of byzanthologists. After the festive opening Dr Yanis Varalis from Volos presented the Collection of works no.9 with the papers from the last meeting. Then all the present watched a scientific documentary "Christian antique in Nis".
Concert of State Symphony Orchestra "New Russia"
8. June 2011 - 12:10
The concert of the State Symphony Orchestra "New Russia" and violinist Alena Bayeva, will be held on June 14, in the Great Hall of the Sava Center in Belgrade, on the occasion of marking the Day of Russia. The orchestra, led by the conducter Yuriy Bashmet, will perform Fantasy-Overture - Romeo and Juliet by Chaikovsky, Suite from the ballet Romeo and Juliette by Prokofyev, Concert for violine and orchestra and the Solemn uverture by Shostakovich.
Atlas of Orthodox Churches of America published
7. June 2011 - 12:52
The famous historian of Orthodoxy in the USA, Mr. Alexey Krindach, wrote a book which holds information on all Orthodox churches in America - Atlas of American Orthodox Christian Churches.
The book has many maps and consists of details from modern life of the churches of various jurisdictions. Furthermore, the books has also the informations on all monastic communities on the territory of North America.
Restoration of frescoes in Prizren
6. June 2011 - 13:38
On the church of St. George in Prizren, experts from Greece has started the conservation and the restoration of the frescoes from 15th century. Soon the works on Theotokos of Ljeviska are going to be started. The sancturies was heavily damages in the attack of the Albanian extremists in 2004.