Eparchial (Diocesan) News
Prime Minister of Republic of Srpska visits Diocese of Zahumlje-Herzegovina
2. March 2011 - 12:39The President of the Government of the Republic of Srpska Mr. Aleksandar Dzombic with associates visited on Monday, February 28, 2011 Bishop Grigorije of Zahumlje and Herzegovina and the Diocesan seat in Mostar.
Visit of Patriarch Irinej at St. Sava Academy and Cathedral church in Chicago
1. March 2011 - 12:54
On Friday, February 25, 2011, His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej accompanied by Bishop George of Canada and Longin of Nova Gracanica-Midwestern America and its official follower protodeacon professor Dr. Stanimir Spasovic, visited St. Sava academy, parish house at Cathedral church of St. Ressurection of Christ in Chicago.
Association "Serbian Chetniks of Australia" celebrated its Patron Feast's Day
28. February 2011 - 14:16
On Saturday, February 19th 2011, the Association "Serbian Chetniks of Australia" (SCA) from Sidney celebrated its first Patron Saint's Day (slava). After the model of the chetnik organization from the beginning of the 20th century, the SCA as its Patron Saint's Day celebrates the Meeting of the Lord and with the blessing of His Grace Bishop Irinej.
First Hierarchal Liturgy in Diocese of Krusevac
22. February 2011 - 12:34His Grace Bishop Jovan of Sumadija, administrator of the Diocese of Krusevac, served on February 16, 2011 the first Hierarchal Liturgy in a newly-established diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church, with the concelebration of the heugomen of the monastery of Grgeteg, archimandrite Dositej and a few priests and monks.
Source: Diocese of Krusevac
Formal welcome of Serbian Patriarch in Chicago
18. February 2011 - 20:45In the late evening, on February 16, 2011, His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch arrived in Chicago accompanied by protodeacon Prof. Dr Stanimir Spasovic. Besides His Grace Bishop Longin of Nova Grachanica and Midwestern America and local priesthood, His Holiness was welcomed also the representatives of the diplomatic cord of Serbia, led by Consul General Mr. Desko Nikotovic.
Patriarch Irinej serves on feast day of the Meeting of the Lord
16. February 2011 - 12:33
His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej served the Divine Liturgy in the church of Ruzica in Belgrade. His Holiness Patriarch was concelebrated by priests and deacons of the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac. His Holiness, priests and all the gathered celebrated prayerfully the feast day of the Meeting of the Lord and then a memorial service for the Serbian soldiers who lost their lives in the defense of their Homeland.