Eparchial (Diocesan) News
Photo news: Feast of the Cross in Belgrade
18. January 2011 - 20:08Patron's Feast Day in Konjic
16. January 2011 - 20:52
New Year of the Lord was welcomed with a great joy in the Cathedral church of St. Basil the Great in Konjic, which was also the patron's feast day of this church. Bishop Grigorije of Zahumlje-Herzegovina served the Divine Liturgy with the concelebration of protopresbyter-staurophor Radivoj Krulj, presbyter Branimir Borovcanin, presbyter Boris Colovic, presbyter Miodrag Vrtikapa, presbyter Milan Buzanin (head of this church) and deacon Milan Stanjevic. Lots of pious people attended the Liturgy.
Thanksgiving at the beginning of New Year
14. January 2011 - 15:28His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno served last night at 11,30 pm an act of thanksgiving at the beginning of New Year in the Memorial Cathedral of St. Sava on Vracar in a presence of many pious people who fulfilled the Cathedral and the Vracar plateau. The traditional fireworks marked the beginning of New Year 2011.
Up Goes Stage One of the Roof at Saint Sava College in Sidney
12. January 2011 - 12:49
One cannot but be humbled by the dedication and service of the many volounteers who give selflessly of their time to the God-given task of building St. Sava College. The building industry in Sydney has been in turmoil over the past several months because of bad weather, but a group of dedicated Serbian carpenters is hopeful that they will soon complete the installation of roof beams and braces enabling the tiling of the College roof.
Patron's Feast Day in Monastery of St. Stephen the Archdeacon in Slanci
10. January 2011 - 13:02On the third day of Christmas, the feast day of Saint Stephen the Archdeacon was celebrated in all churches of the Serbian Orthodox Church and in Orthodox homes in which this saint is celebrated as their patron. Especially solemn was in St. Stephen the Archdeacon monastery in Slanci where His Grace Vicar Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in a presence of thousand believers from all parts of Serbia.
Bishop Teodosije serves solemn Christmas Liturgy in Prizren
8. January 2011 - 17:15Central Christmas celebration in Kosovo and Metohija was held in Prizren, the seat of the Diocese of Raska-Prizren. The Christmas Liturgy in a restored Cathedral church of St. George was served by Bishop Teodosije of Raska-Prizren with the concelebration of twelve priests. Today's solemn church service was attended by vice president of Serbian Government Bozidar Djelic and about 150 believers from Prizren suburbs.