St. Vitus Day – Serbian Vidovdan in Stuttgart, Germany

St. Vitus Day – Serbian Vidovdan in Stuttgart, Germany
St. Vitus Day – Serbian Vidovdan in Stuttgart, Germany
St. Vitus Day – Serbian Vidovdan in Stuttgart, Germany
St. Vitus Day – Serbian Vidovdan in Stuttgart, Germany

His Grace Bishop of Backa Irinej presided over the Eucharistic gathering in the church of the Synaxis of the Serbian Saints, on the feast-day of Holy Great Martyr Prince Lazarus, on June 28, 2017.

On the eve of the feast, the evening service was held, led by His Eminence Bishop of Frankfurt and all Germany Sergije, after which a concert of the First Belgrade Choral Assemble from Belgrade was held. The bishop Irinej was concelebrated by the host Bishop Sergije; Archpriest-Stavrophor Petar Lukic, principal of the Belgrade Cathedral and President of the First Belgrade  Choral Assemble; and Archpriest  Borisav Simic, principal of the Stuttgart church; Protopresbyter Danilo Radmilovic from Düsseldorf, Presbyter Milenko Bakmaz from Stuttgart, protodeacon Goran Botoski and deacon Aleksandar Bilic from Novi Sad.

Eastern American Diocese: Invitation to Diocesan Day

Beloved Clergy, Monastics and Faithful of the Eastern American Diocese, 

It is with exceedingly great joy and anticipation that we write to invite all faithful and friends of our God-protected Diocese to our annual Diocesan Day Celebration and Patronal Celebration of the Venerable Mother Angelina at Shadeland, 25072 State Highway #18, Springboro, PA 16435, on Saturday, August 5th, 2017.

Serian Patriarchj Irinej congratulated President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic

On the occasion of his inauguration as President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej attended a formal reception at the Palace of Serbia in Belgrade on June 23rd, 2017.

A high Church delegation was composed of the following hierarchs: His Eminence Porfirije, Metropolitan of Zagreb-Ljubljana, and Their Graces Bishops:  Irinej of Backa, Fotije of Dalmatia (elected Bishop of Zvornik-Tuzla), Milutin of  Valjevo, Theodosije of Raska-Prizren and Vicar Bishop  Arsenije (elected Bishop of Nis).

Patriarch Irinej visited the Monastery of the Image of Mother of God not-made-by-hands

Patriarch Irinej visited the Monastery of the Image of Mother of God not-made-by-hands
Patriarch Irinej visited the Monastery of the Image of Mother of God not-made-by-hands
Patriarch Irinej visited the Monastery of the Image of Mother of God not-made-by-hands
Patriarch Irinej visited the Monastery of the Image of Mother of God not-made-by-hands

His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej visited the monastery dedicated to the Icon of the Mother of God in the hamlet Drobnjaci underneath the Avala mountain, on June 25, 2017.

The Patriarch greeted many faithful and abbess Zlata with her sisterhood and inquired about the construction works which have been underway.

Vidovdan celebrations in Osnabrück

Vidovdan celebrations in Osnabrück
Vidovdan celebrations in Osnabrück
Vidovdan celebrations in Osnabrück
Vidovdan celebrations in Osnabrück

The Vidovdan celebrations took place in the parish of the Holy Great Martyr George in Osnabrück on June 24, 2017.

His Eminence Bishop of Frankfurt and all Germany and elected Bishop of Bihac-Petrovac Sergije officiated  the Eucharistic gathering. Protopresbyters-stavrophors Jovan Maric from Wuppertal and Marinko Rajak from Osnabrük, Archpriest Bogdan Smiljic from Bielefeld, Mihailo Stojcic from Altena and Sinisa Vujasinovic from Hamburg, protodean Dragan Colakovic from Essen and protodeacon Milutin Maric concelebrated.

Accredited seminar for catechists of the Diocese of Zicha

Accredited seminar for catechists of the Diocese of Zicha
Accredited seminar for catechists of the Diocese of Zicha
Accredited seminar for catechists of the Diocese of Zicha
Accredited seminar for catechists of the Diocese of Zicha

With the blessing of Bishop Justin of Zicha, an accredited expert seminar entitled "Integrative Approach in Religious Education" was held for catechists (religious teachers) in the Diocese of Zicha, in the Monastery of Studenica on June 17, 2017.

Authors and program implementers were Dr. Vladan Tatalovic (Chair for the New Testament - Orthodox Theological Faculty in Belgrade), Dr. Srboljub Ubiparipovic (Chair of Liturgical Theology - Orthodox Theology Faculty in Belgrade) and Snezana Pavlovic, graduate andragogue, advisor in pre-school and primary education and counselor for religious education at state schools in the Ministry of Education of Serbia. The aim of the seminar was to strengthen capacities and professional competencies of catechists.